Triple Chocolate Brownies

A well tried and tested recipe which all ages seem to love. It contains three types of chocolate; plain melted, chocolate powder (or cocoa) and white chocolate chips!


115g (4 oz) cream cheese

115g (4 oz) plain chocolate, melted

225g (8 oz) soft brown sugar

115g (4 oz) soft margarine

115g (4 oz) self raising flour

1 tbsp cocoa

½ tsp vanilla extract

3 free range eggs, beaten

115g (4 oz) walnuts, chopped

115g (4 oz) white chocolate chips

Serves 16


1. Line an AGA half size roasting tin or an AGA half size shallow baking tray with Bake-O-Glide. Place all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well together. Pour into the tin.

2. Hang the tin from the third set of runners in the Baking Oven. Bake for about 30 minutes until risen and springy to the touch.

3. Cool on a wire rack and cut into squares.

Conventional cooking
Cook at 180°C (350ºF), fan oven 160ºC, Gas Mark 4 for about 30 minutes until risen and springy to the touch.

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