Easy Strawberry Jelly

Light and fruity, this Easy Strawberry Jelly only needs four ingredients and is a perfect summer treat.


200g (7 oz) caster sugar

600 ml (1 pint) water

450g (1 lb) fresh strawberries, washed

11g (¼ oz) powdered gelatine


1. Place the sugar and water in an AGA saucepan on the Boiling Plate and bring to the boil. Transfer to the Simmering Plate and cook here for five minutes, stirring occasionally.  Remove from the heat and leave to cool. 

2. Reserve five small, perfect strawberries to use to decorate the finished jellies.

3. Hull the remaining strawberries and reduce to a pulp in a blender, food processor or in a bowl using a wand blender.  Add to the cooled syrup, stir and cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

4. Once completely cool, pass the mixture through a fine sieve, to remove the pulp and seeds.

5. Place 75 ml (2½ fl oz) cold water in a small AGA pan and sprinkle over the gelatine. Place on the Simmering Plate and slowly agitate the pan as it warms up.  Before it comes to simmering point, remove and leave on the side for five minutes. 

6. Using a rubber or silicone spatula, stir around the edges so that any undissolved grains of gelatine are mixed in.  Return to the Simmering Plate and heat for a final minute or until the mixture is clear with no grains of gelatine remaining undissolved.  Do not allow to boil.

7. Stir into the strawberry liquid and mix well.  Leave for a few minutes so that any bubbles on the surface have dispersed.

8. Rinse a 1½ pint jelly mould with cold water and then pour in the strawberry liquid.  Once cool, cover with cling film and transfer to the refrigerator and allow 4-6 hours for it to set.  If using individual moulds these will set in a shorter time.

9. Turn out onto a serving plate and decorate with the remaining strawberries, cut in half lengthways, with their stalks intact. Serve with cream or vanilla ice cream.

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