Beer Bread

From a recipe by Jo Seagar. A wonderful ‘quick bread’ that has the texture and taste of a farmhouse loaf, gorgeous, yeasty smells and made in a jiffy.


375g (13 oz) plain flour

3 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 bottle or can of local beer (made up to 400 ml with water)*

1 handful grated cheese


1. Quickly mix all ingredients together and spoon into a greased or non-stick loaf tin and top with grated cheese. A large 20 x 10 cm loaf tin will take 1 hour but smaller tins 8 x 15 cm take 35-40 minutes.

2. Bake on a grid shelf on the floor of the Roasting Oven.

This recipe doesn’t work with low-alcohol beer!! This bread can be made with a variety of flours, wholemeal and mixed grain, etc. Allow 1 teaspoon baking powder per cup of flour – and, of course, it can be topped with other things besides cheese, such as sesame seeds, rosemary, flaked sea salt, paprika and poppy seeds. A great idea is to make a stuffed bread using this basic recipe. Place half the mixture in the loaf tin. Spoon in a layer of onion marmalade and perhaps a layer of chargrilled peppers, spinach leaves, pitted olives. Spoon in the remaining dough and bake as per directions. * I used a selection of beers from Coles Family Brewery of Carmathen. Particularly interesting were their Beetroot and Nettle beer, delicious!

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